Temporary Tattoos
Encourage More Girls
We distributed more than 1,000s of #FIRSTLikeAGirl tattoos in order to spread encouragement and support for our program, plus 1,000s more made and distributed by many teams around the world. These tattoos are a fun way to show support at events to encourage and empower girls everywhere.
However, there are over 400,000 FIRST participants, and our efforts so far have only been a drop in the bucket. We are looking for even more partners to help us spread the message even further and offset the cost of making more buttons. We hope you will help girls around the world get inspired to pursue their interests in STEM!
Make your own #FIRSTLikeAGirl tattoos
— download the 2 inch x 1.5 inch artwork —
We ordered ours from temporarytattoos.com
If you need different size artwork, please just complete the form below and let us know.
Want to sponsor or need help with temporary tattoos?